What is Open Art

Open Art is a community art project open to people from around the world. Every year we give artists and curators the opportunity to share their creations and ideas for free. The aim is to make our virtual galleries more accessible to grass-roots organizations, emerging artists, students and people who may not be able to exhibit their work in other ways.

Enter Open Art

The current edition of Open Art is all about collaboration between artists, curators and creators. The main requirement of your exhibition proposal is that it includes work from at least two artists (this can include yourself). We invite you to curate and design an exhibition that meets this brief:

  • It must feature at least two different artists (this can include your own work).
  • The exhibition must include between 6 and 16 pieces in total.
  • It can include any form of visual or multimedia content, such as images, videos, audio recordings, or 3D models.
  • Non-traditional forms of art are welcome (e.g. street art, short texts, data visualisations, spoken word poetry…etc).
  • The content on display in your exhibition should share a common style or theme, but it can be any thing you choose.

Exhibitions will be selected based on the quality/originality of the artwork, and also how well the exhibits complement each other or focus on a common theme. If your exhibition is selected we will contact you by email and you will receive a free virtual exhibition. We will help you to prepare your exhibition content and add it to the Curation platform. You can then design your exhibition before showing it online.

Please note: You must have permission to present all artwork publicly (so you can’t grab other people’s work from the web). It must either be your own work, or the work of someone you know (and has given you permission), or it must have be published with a Creative Commons license.

We are accepting submissions now. Complete the form below to enter.

Open Art Entry Form

About Your Exhibition

Tell us about yourself and the exhibition that you would like to make.

What is the main idea behind the exhibition? What subjects or themes unite the artworks in the exhibition? Is there anything else you would like to tell the world about your show?
You can also provide links to a web site or social media showing the work of each artist. You can attach 4 artwork examples below, but extra information will help us with selection.

Examples of Artwork

Choose 4 examples of artwork you want to include in your exhibition. If your exhibition is selected we will contact you about the rest of the exhibits.
You can either attach a file or add a link for us to find the artwork online.
If you have a video, audio file or 3D model (or an image larger than 5MB) please provide a link.

Request a Demo

Start making your first exhibition for free. We will send you a link to a private demo gallery and you can try it for yourself.

Choose from a selection of classic artworks, videos, and 3D models. Select from a range of framing and lighting styles for each piece. Move exhibits around the gallery space and design your own virtual exhibition.

General Enquiry Form

4-3 Mondrian - virtual gallery - 3d immersive art exhibition and interactive artist visualisation - curat10n

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