Story of Development: Open Art 2018
The Open Art Exhibition 2018 gives artists the opportunity to be part of an interactive virtual exhibition – It’s free to enter, free to share and open to all. On this page you can follow the development of this unique 3D gallery.
We have had an overwhelming response from fine artists and photographers submitting their work.
On this page we will give an insight into how virtual galleries are developed – and a sneak peak of the virtual gallery due for public release in November 2018 (Spoiler alert).
Creating a virtual space is a work of art in itself. The Open Art exhibition will be taking place in a fictional (and improbable) gallery on the Moon.
There is no need to worry about engineering, costs or logistics with a virtual gallery, so why not shoot for the stars!
After deciding the location for exhibition, we look for images and designs that might inspire the style of the gallery. The gallery will be within a lunar base, set inside a mountainous crater. Some of the inspiration for the base and its landscape has been taken from the images shown here.
Earth – This is a chance to have a unique perspective and to see our planet from a distance.
Inca landscaping – The stepped amphitheatres and settlements built by the Incas in South America give a clue as to how humans might shape the ground around a moon base.
Futursitic Architecture – Within the gallery there are a few human structures, one of which is inspired by the architecture of this building on Earth.
Alien Geometry – Although crop circles aren’t actually made by aliens (?) they have a very interesting geometric arrangement, using spirals and circles. The layout of our lunar base is inspired by these designs.
Basic Space
The virtual gallery space needs to look good in order to show off the artwork on display – but its equally important for the audience to be able to use the space and find their way around easily. We start the design process by making simple 3d models of each areas and room. Where are the walls? Where can people go? What can they see from each location and perspective? By using a digital 3d model, we can visualise the space while making changes.
Modern architects, interior designers and gallery designers use a similar process to develop their work. We know how we want to divide up the space and the seperate functional areas that the gallery will neeed.
- Fine Art Space 1 & 2 – Two distinct areas for displaying fine art.
- Photography Space 1 & 2 – Two distinct areas for displaying photography.
- Film screening Space – A small number of screening areas to show video and animation artwork.
- Open Art / Curat10n Info Space – A reception and lobby area, where people can find out more about the project
Our Moon Base is located in the middle of a crater, with a view of planet Earth in the background. Althought these elements aren’t part of the gallery itself, they help to set the scene and create an atmosphere. In this image you can clearly see the wireframe model of the Moon’s landscape. In the centre you can also make out the basic shapes of the gallery itself. At this stage of development we simply want to test the size and shape of the spaces that people will move around in. Detailed modelling of the gallery will come next.
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Exhibit Artwork
Show artwork in an immersive 3D gallery. Present high-quality pictures, audio and video.
Cost-effective & permanent exhibitions that can be shared worldwide.
Create a Virtual Gallery
Design a unique virtual gallery space. Include multi-media and interactive features.
No limits on space, time or costs. If you can imagine it then we can make it.
Contact Curat10n
We create virtual galleries & exhibitions that will inspire, entertain and engage audiences. There are many possibilities when it comes to their features & applications.
Every exhibition we develop is custom made, depending on each client’s needs. Prices range from £600, for a modest exhibition in one of our existing virtual spaces, to £6000 for a unique, ambitious & feature-packed virtual gallery experience.
We offer free live demonstrations via Skype. This is the best way for us to show you the features and possible applications for a virtual exhibition.
Contact us to find out if a virtual gallery is right for you. Use this contact form to send us a quick message. Leave your phone number if you would like us to call you back. Or send us an email: