Exhibition Planning

Easily curate and design the perfect exhibition in real-time 3D

Fast and Flexible Editing

Select, place, resize and re-style artwork in seconds

Recreate Any Space in 3D

We can measure and model any real-world gallery or exhibition space

Exhibition Planning: Design, curate, archive and visualize

Quick and easy editing in a realistic gallery space

Curators and designers can select and visualise artwork inside a realistic 3D space. Easily change the position, scale and framing of exhibits in real-time. We can measure and recreate any real-world space, allowing you to create exhibitions accurately and to scale. Each artwork or exhibit can be moved, replaced and resized easily. You can also change that way that pieces are displayed and lit, with different framing options and materials. It’s a powerful, flexible and easy-to-use tool for exhibition planning and design. Artists, galleries and event organisers can see exactly what an exhibition will look like without needing to transport or handle anything. Our software is quick and easy to use, even for people who have no experience with design software. Take a look at the demonstration video below to see how it works.


Download & Try the Exhibition Editor

Try our exhibition editor demo. Curate your own exhibition in the “Workshop” virtual gallery. You will be able to choose from a collection of 100 classic art pieces, including works by famous artists such as Klimt, Van Gough, Mondrian, Klee, Breugel, Grigoriev, Turner & Kandinsky.

You can place artworks on any wall, at any scale, and with a range of framing and lighting options.

The exhibition editor is only available for Mac or PC (public exhibitions are viewable on mobile). If you don’t see the download forms below, try again when you are using a desktop or laptop computer.

Exhibition Planning Software

Design, curate, archive and visualize

Designing and Planning Exhibitions in 3D

Save time, energy and resources by creating a high-quality 3D gallery that you can explore from a human perspective. It’s fully interactive, which means you can take people on a tour of the exhibition and involve them in the planning and decision-making process. Easily record videos and take screenshots from any angle, removing the need for expensive 2D rendering. These images and interactive visualisations can be used for presentations, or can provide an accurate reference when it comes to setting up and installing the real exhibition.

Any real-world location or gallery space can be recreated accurately and to scale. We can visit any location in the UK to measure and photograph the space. If you have a space in Europe or further afield, we may be able to recreate your space using architectural plans and photographs, or contact us to discuss arrangements for conducting measurements. Your space will then be modelled in 3D, including any furniture and fittings that might be important to the exhibition design. For example, light switches, electrical points, fire extinguishers and other furniture can be included. We can also recreate materials and lighting, depending on the level of detail required. This 3D virtual space allows you to experiment with the selection and placement of artworks or other exhibits. A virtual space can be re-used endlessly, meaning that you can use it to produce and visualise hundreds of unique displays.

Exhibition Planning and Curating – Image gallery


Planning is Just the Beginning

After you have finished curating and planning your exhibition, the virtual gallery can then be used to create original content for promotion and marketing campaigns. It might also be used as an interactive screening during live events or to create an original installation piece as part of a real show. You can then take your virtual exhibition to a global audience by distributing it worldwide, allowing you to make sales or to reach audiences who would otherwise find it inaccessible. Alternatively, it may simply be used to archive and preserve each show after the real-world exhibition has ended, giving people the opportunity to explore your creative output long into the future.



Learn about Virtual Exhibitions

Curat10n specialise in producing cutting-edge arts platforms and immersive exhibitions.

We work with artists, galleries, universities, charities and exhibitors from around the world.

Find out more about our virtual exhibition platform and how you can use our software to design, plan, promote and display artworks and exhibits for audiences around the world.

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