Exhibition Content

You can show any type of artwork in a virtual gallery…

  • 2D images for fine art & photography.
  • 3D models for sculpture & installation.
  • videos for performance, animation & film.
  • audio recordings for musical sountracks & guided tours.

Each exhibit can be shown with further information about the piece and the artist. It can include audio introductions or links to web pages or social media profiles. Exhibition items can also be integrated with an online store so that you can sell artwork or make contact with visitors.


2D Artwork – Fine Art, photography & graphics

Two dimensional artworks can be displayed on any wall of a virtual gallery.

When visitors look at one of the artworks it will display the title and artist name. Visitors can then zoom in to take a closer look. This will give a clear view of the picture and also further information about the piece. Any kind of information can be added alongside each piece, such as the medium, date, sale price and a description of the exhibit.

As well as zooming in on a picture it’s possible to walk closer to artwork and view its finer details. The resolution of each image depends on the quality of the photograph that’s used. Exhibits can show a very high level of detail, allowing visitors to examine individual brush strokes, signatures and markings.

Artwork can be shown at any scale, and you can choose from a variety of display options. Most artworks are shown on a canvas, and this may include a border or a frame. The colour, style and size of the frames can be chosen individually for each piece, giving curators a great deal of flexibility.

It’s also possible to show irregularly shaped artwork, such as tapestries, cut-outs, stencils and other graphics. Any kind of two dimensional artwork can be shown on the walls of a virtual gallery, including branding and text.

Contact us with any enquiry, to get a quotation, or to arrange a live demonstration >>

Email us any time at contact@curat10n.com

Audio Guides & Web Integration

Virtual exhibitions offer a variety of interactive features.

Audio recordings can be used to provide a description of each exhibit, or to create a narrative of the exhibition as a whole. Audio guides can be triggered when entering new areas of the gallery, or when interacting with a particular exhibit. Artists can introduce their own work, or curators and exhibition designers can use this feature to inform and educate their audience. A good audio guide can make your exhibition more engaging and immersive, as well making it accessible to a wider audience.

After zooming in to look at an exhibit, visitors can then be given the option of following a web link. This will open a separate browser window where your visitors can access more information or get in touch with someone. For example, this web link could be used to direct people to an online contact form. Every item in the exhibition can be given a unique web address. It’s even possible to use these links to open 3rd-party communication platforms.

Artworks and other exhibits can also be integrated with an online store. This means that visitors can instantly open their web browser to a product page, or directly add the item to an online shopping cart. They can then checkout and make their purchases after they have finished exploring the exhibition. This feature works with all kinds of exhibits, including images, videos and 3D objects, so you can easily create a unique sales platform offering a variety of products.

Videos & Multimedia

Films, animations & performances can be shown on video screens inside a virtual gallery.

When visitors interact with a screen, it will zoom in and start to play. Videos can also be stopped or re-started at any time, and they will stop automatically if you start watching or listening to something else. These screens can be any size and shape, depending on the resolution of the video. Individual video screens are perfect for showing performances, films, animations or documentary footage. 

Videos usually have stereo sound, but it is also possible to recreate 3-dimensional surround sound in a virtual gallery.

It is also possible to have just one large video screen, and to present a selection of still images as a video playlist. Visitors can then select which video they want to watch by interacting with one of the pictures. This setup is useful if you have a large number of videos in your exhibition, or if you want to save space by having just one large screen instead of several small ones. It is also a good way of dividing longer videos into chpaters or scenes. Another benefit of this setup is that each video can have its own unique artwork. You might want to present each video using a film poster, an album cover, or a list of performance credits. This gives curators the flexibility to present a wide selection of multimedia in an compelling way.

3D Sculpture & Gallery Installations

There are several options for exhibiting 3-dimensional objects.

Sculptures, installations and other 3D items can be placed anywhere in the gallery. There are four options for how these can be presented. The best choice will depend on your budget and the type of content that you want to show.

The most realistic option is to use a 3D digital model. This is a true 3D representation of an object, and it uses realistic materials and textures. This is the most costly option but by far the most realistic. If you already have a 3D model of your exhibit then this can easily be added to the virtual gallery. We can also create new 3D models using photographs, and we can do this remotely without needing to visit you in person.

The second option for displaying three dimensional exhibits is what we call “false 3D” or “2.5D”. This is created using a regular 2D photograph. This photograph is then edited to remove the background and to give the image a transparent edge. This image will then rotate to follow you around the room as you view it from different angles (shown in the video). This means that two-dimensional images can be placed in the middle of a three dimensional space. It’s not as realistic as a 3D model, but it’s more cost-effective to produce.

The third option is to use a video screen. You can give visitors a 360-degree view of any exhibit by recording a looping video. This is simple to produce and works the same way as any other video screen in the gallery. The final option is simply to use photographs to show a sculpture or exhibit from multiple perspectives.

Additional Services

The extra services we provide include 3D modelling, image editing, and exhibition design.

We work closely with all of our clients throughout the design & development process. This means that we can help you get the most out of your virtual exhibition, and we will continue to provide support after it has been released. Curat10n also offers several other services to help you prepare and curate content for your virtual exhibitions.

3D modelling involves the creation of 3-dimensional objects. We can accurately reproduce almost any sculpture, installation or exhibition item. Most of the time, we can do this remotely, without needing to visit you in person. We will send you some simple instructions about how to photograph your piece. There’s no need for any expensive equipment. All you need is a regular camera. The 3D models we make not only replicate the shape of an object, but also capture its colours and textures. 3D models can then be placed into any virtual exhibition, and you will also own the digital models we produce for you. These can then be used for future exhibitions, or as part of digital archiving and preserving collections.

The second extra service we provide is image editing. This might involve cropping images to make them square or to remove frames and borders. It may involve adjusting the contrast or colour saturation of an image. Whether you need this service will depend on the quality of your own photographs. We can also provide more advanced editing, for example to remove the background of an image or to cut-out an object so that it has transparent edges. This may be necessary if you want to show a flat image as a 2.5D exhibit, or if you want to display irregularly shaped artworks on the walls without a canvas.

The third additional service that we offer is the use of our real-time editing software. This allows you to edit and visualize your virtual exhibition in real-time, without needing to work in direct consultation with us. You and your team can select artworks from your collection and add them to the exhibition space. You can also change the size of your artwork and experiment with different display options, such as frames, borders, mounts and materials. Contact us for a demonstration or watch our other videos to learn more about this editing software.

The advantages of a virtual exhibition

1. Curation, planning, design & visualization

Our software is powerful, flexible & easy to use. Curate, plan and visualize exhibitions in 3D. Recreate any real-world space and design shows in real-time.

2. Promotion, marketing & content creation

Create high-quality marketing content easily. Take screenshots & record or live-stream videos. Promote artists & upcoming shows with a virtual exhibition.

3. Live events & immersive installations

Create spectacular live event visuals & interactive installations. Expand a real-world show or art fair, deliver presentations & explore creative ideas.

4. Global reach, sales & worldwide access

Share interactive exhibitions & virtual galleries worldwide. Reach global audiences, make sales, produce shows that are permanent, limitless & accessible.

5. Archiving, organising & digitizing collections

Digitize & visualize artwork: Including images, sculpture, video recordings and information databases. Archive, preserve and search collections in 3D.

Contact us with any enquiry, to get a quotation, or to arrange a live demonstration >>

Email us any time at contact@curat10n.com

4-3 Mondrian - virtual gallery - 3d immersive art exhibition and interactive artist visualisation - curat10n

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