PRIVATE GALLERIES- Archive of Past Exhibitions

This page shows a collection of older exhibitions and virtual galleries. These are no longer available to view interactively on our site, but may still be available via their respective owner. Some pages are password protected and can only be accessed by the owner and their chosen audience.

PLEASE NOTE: These are older exhibitions and the information on these pages may no longer be accurate. Pages may include external links that have not been maintained by their owners.

Second Skin

On display in a custom-made gallery, in the style of an abandoned industrial warehouse.

A Black Perspective

On display in the ACA Gallery, a virtual recreation of their New York City space.

47th Annual Salon

On Display in the Miller Art Museum, a virtual recreation of their Wisconsin space.

Brixton Young Artists

On display in the Workshop virtual gallery.

Art of Energy

St Andrew’s University’s exhibition on display in a custom-made gallery including the Mezzanine and Workshop galleries.

Carpet Pages III

On display in a custom-made gallery set in the desert.

Death Over Time

On display in the Workshop virtual gallery, with a custom-made catwalk.

Wildlife Artist of the Year

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation’s exhibition on display in the Mezzanine virtual gallery.


TMRW’s exhibition on display in the White Space virtual gallery.

Colouring Outside the Lines

UNESCO RILA’s exhibition on display in the Mezzanine virtual gallery.

Giving Poetry Wings

On display in the White Space virtual gallery.

Gen Z Planet

Gen-Z 360’s book launch on display in the Workshop virtul gallery.

Faith Ringgold Exhibition

On display in the ACA Gallery, a virtual recreation of their New York City space.

How Do You C Me Now

On display in the White Space virtual gallery.

Home is Where the Heart Is

On display in the Exhibition Quarter virtual gallery.

hundred years exhibition london 2019 virtual gallery curat10n

Hundred Years Gallery

Summer Exhibition on display in a custom-made virtual gallery.

Maria Beck

Solo artist’s show on display in the White Space gallery

Words on Resilience

Live Borders’ exhibition on display in the Mezzanine virtual gallery.

hundred years exhibition london 2019 virtual gallery curat10n

The Mavericks

Miller Art Museum’s exhibition on display in a custom-made virtual gallery.

Reality in Virtuality

Poznan Univeristy of the Arts’ exhibition on displayin a custom-made gallery.

Real Dads Network

On display in the Workshop virtual gallery.

hundred years exhibition london 2019 virtual gallery curat10n

45th Juried Annual

Miller Art Museum’s exhibition on display in a custom-made virtual gallery.

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Moon Exhibition

Moich Abrahams’ exhibition on display in a custom-made gallery.

Richard Mayhew Exhibition

On display in the ACA Gallery, a virtual recreation of their New York City space.

hundred years exhibition london 2019 virtual gallery curat10n

Remembering Srebrenica

On display in the White Space virtual gallery.

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Reality in Virtuality 2

Poznan Univerity of the Arts’ exhibition on display in a custom-made gallery.

Salon of High School Art

Miller Art Museum’s exhibition on display in a custom-made virtual gallery.

hundred years exhibition london 2019 virtual gallery curat10n

STAND up for Migrants

On display in the White Space virtual gallery.

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Fragile Futures

Save the Children’s exhibition on display in the Workshop virtual gallery.

WTF Exhibition

Willumsens Museum’s exhibition on display in a virtual recreation of their space in Copenhagen.

hundred years exhibition london 2019 virtual gallery curat10n

Starzan NFT Exhibition

On display in a custom-made virtual gallery.

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The Weight of Matter

Poznan Univerity of the Arts’ exhibition on display in a custom-made gallery.

Covid 19 Exhibition

On display in a custom-made virtual gallery.

hundred years exhibition london 2019 virtual gallery curat10n

Wilfrid Laurier University

A student exhibition on display in the Mezzanine virtual gallery.

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Falmouth Fashion Photography exhibition on display in he Exhibition Quarter virtual gallery.

Feel the Soul?

Willumsens Museum’s exhibition on display in a virtual recreation of their space in Copenhagen.

Legacy Gallery Archive

View an older version of the private gallery archive here.

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Open Art is a free community art project, open to people from around the world. This year’s open exhibition is all about collaboration between artists, curators and creators. We are now accepting submissions.  Visit the Open Art event page to find out more.

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