Starzan 3D Character NFTs

Starzan Virtual Exhibition, 2021

Starzan 3D Character NFTs

Starzan Virtual Exhibition, 2021

Starzan 3D Character NFT Gallery

Starzan Virtual Exhibition, 2021

Through these doors begins the first ever collection of digi-card NFT collectibles. Starzan digi-cards are a mixture of 3D creations, animations and audio in collaboration with artists, that are available for trading through various NFT platforms.

The rooms beyond will be expanding as new collections are planned for release and will be displayed here for viewing before and after auctions take place. There are many new and exciting things to come, so stay tuned by following us on our socials below.

The Starzan NFT virtual platfrom is in development and will be expanded in the future. This page shows the first public version.

Visit the Starzan website >>

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